Kexin Shi (石可心)



I am a visiting scholar at CMU RI advised by Prof. Deepak Pathak. Previously, I was a graduate researcher at Robotics and Perception Group (RPG) advised by Prof. Davide Scaramuzza. I am broadly interested in robot learning, especially in RL , generative algorithms and foundation models, with validations across different platforms: quadrotor, quadruped, humanoid, manipulator, etc.

During my master, I also spent some time at Robotic Systems Lab (RSL) led by Prof. Macro Hutter, Computer Vision and Geometry Group (CVG) led by Prof. Marc Pollefeys and Advanced Interactive Technologies lab (AIT) led by Prof. Otmar Hilliges. Prior to master, I obtained bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at Xi’an Jiaotong University.

I have spent many colorful summers in different places. In 2022, I attended ETHz Robotics Summer School. In 2019, I participated in NUS SOC Summer WorkShop. In 2018, I was an exchanged summer student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


May 17, 2024 I have spent a fruitful week at ICRA 2024 in Yokohama, Japan. Also, I made a Vlog to record it. Please check it out!
Feb 2, 2024 It is my honor to be admitted to CMU Robotics PhD Program in 2024 Fall. See you in Open House Day!
Jan 29, 2024 Our work Extreme Parkour with Legged Robots is accpeted by ICRA 2024. See you in Yokohama, Japan!
Nov 21, 2023 In the past month, I was invited to give talks about our extreme parkour work at REAL at Stanford, Biomimetic Robotics Lab at MIT and Dynamic Robot Systems Group at Oxford Robotics Institute.
Nov 10, 2023 It is super exciting to meet lots of new friends at CoRL 2023 in Atlanta and discuss about our extreme parkour work. We also show a live demo, please check!
Sep 16, 2023 Our work Extreme Parkour with Legged Robots is released!
Jul 24, 2023 I arrive in Pittsburgh and start my visiting in person at CMU Robotics Institute.
Jun 10, 2023 I have spent a wonderful week at ICRA 2023 in London, UK. It was my pleasure to present my work as well as meet many new friends!
Jan 17, 2023 Our work Learning Perception-Aware Agile Flight in Cluttered Environments is accepted by ICRA 2023. See you in London, UK!
Sep 10, 2021 I join in Robotics and Perception Group (RPG) as a graduate researcher.



Extreme Parkour with Legged Robots
Xuxin Cheng*, Kexin Shi*, Ananye Agarwal, Deepak Pathak

ICRA 2024
CoRL 2023 Generalist / Roboletics / Deployable Workshop (Oral)

An end-to-end data-driven approach that can scale to the challenging task of precise and extreme parkour with onboard sensing.

Learning Perception-Aware Agile Flight in Cluttered Environments
Yunlong Song*, Kexin Shi*, Robert Penicka, Davide Scaramuzza

ICRA 2023

A learning-based method that achieves perception-aware, minimum-time, vision-based flight in cluttered environments.



An Offline Python SLAM using COLMAP
Team members: Kexin Shi, Yidan Gao, Weirong Chen, Yifei Liu
Supervised by Paul-Edouard Sarlin and Marc Pollefeys

An offline python SLAM using COLMAP and ORB-SLAM which is robust, accurate, and highly extensible.

Monocular Markerless 6D Pose Estimation of ANYmal
Team members: Kexin Shi, Ivan Alberico
Supervised by Jonas Frey, Victor Klemm and Marco Hutter

An accurate toolbox for localization and pose estimation of ANYmal without external sources like depth cameras or QR codes.

Efficient Spatio-Temporal Processing of Event Data
Team members: Kexin Shi, Yifei Liu
Supervised by Mathias Gehrig, Nico Messikommer and Davide Scaramuzza

A point-voxel-based model for efficient spatio-temporal processing of event data in classification task and optical flow regression task.


I spend my spare time in reading, painting and traveling. More photographs can be found in my Instagram.
Particularly, I also enjoy some thrill sports to challenge myself.

Life is waiting us to explore more. Let's keep moving.